Francisco Guerra
Chief Executive Officer
Francisco Guerra is widely known as a successful inventor, businessman, and entrepreneur. He has successfully built and grown multiple self-sustaining companies throughout uncertain economies, which cover nearly all major industries including entertainment, manufacturing, sourcing, distribution, e-commerce, intellectual property and patent services, product licensing, and more! Francisco was born in Cuba in 1968. In 1973, his family emigrated from Cuba and became US citizens. They settled in southern Florida, where Francisco lived until his early twenties. When he was in his teens, he launched a career as a professional magician. While pursuing this calling, he realized that for the sake of originality and to fulfil his personal vision, he would have to invent his own special effects. These inventions — specifically a machine that produced realistic, evaporating snow, indoors or outdoors, regardless of the temperature — gave birth to the well-known SnowMasters brand, which eventually became the corner-stone of what is today known as Global Special Effects, Inc. Global Special Effects is a leading worldwide visual special effects company that has served the filmmaking, television broadcasting, theme park, nightclub, music video, and entertainment industries for over 30 years. Global Special Effects specializes in Evaporative Snow®, fog, bubbles, haze, scent, confetti, cryo, foam, Flogos™, and all of the fluids & accessories that accompany them!